You may have noticed a cute little dog and a creative little kitty that like to drag Sunny out of his house ever so often. They are his much more extroverted best friends who know how to bring him out of his comfort zone while respecting his boundaries.
They all met in preschool, where they were the only ones who pursued Sunny as a playmate. Sunny was very quiet and shy as a little kid, and he kept to himself as he would have rather stayed home to play. To Sunny, the other kids were too loud and uninteresting. The other kids didn’t like playing quietly, reading picture books, or just watching the clouds.
Misty was the first to approach him. Without waiting for an answer from her nonverbal classmate, she lead him to the craft table. Misty didn’t make him talk or force him to participate. Instead, she was content to play quietly beside him while he did his own thing. When she met Sunny, Buster was already a friend of Misty’s, so the two met through her and became fast friends. Buster thinks Sunny is a cool, laid-back bunny who helps to remind him to stop and smell the donuts.

Sunny’s Self Care Tips
Always take breaks. If you are working non-stop, you risk burnout, which can negatively impact you and your project. Every 20 minutes, remember to look up from your monitor to stretch and refocus your eyes. Or, take a longer break and treat yourself! Then get back to work. (Imagine the sound of a whip cracking. LOL!).

Check This Out…

Claire’s Corner

Shout-out to one of Sunny’s oldest fans, who Sunny is a big fan of as well, @kawaiichikkie! She’s too cute not to love!
Sunny is opening a Redbubble Shop! Check out the store and the many design options at Sunny The Apathetic Bunny. Not only will his most popular posts be available, but we have also included special Easter graphics available for purchase! |
Congrats to Akia, who won the “Spread The Love” Instagram contest Sunny surprise box! Enjoy those goodies, Akia! |