The holidays are here and that means Christmas music is too. I love Christmas songs and the traditional carols, it’s not Christmas without them… but I absolutely refuse to listen to any type of Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. That’s my one holiday rule, but as soon as Black Friday comes I’m jamming in my car to every single song that I hear. It’s all fun and good until that one ear worm hits, but luckily it’s my favorite song; The Snow Miser / Heat Miser Song from The Year Without A Santa Claus. I will be humming this song all day and all night to the point that I can’t fall asleep because this song won’t stop autoplaying in my head over and over and over again. And what makes the ear worm even worse is that it’s contagious. One minute I’ll have the song rattling in my head, the next I’m humming it, and then I’m passing the ear worm along to whoever is in the same room as me after they identify it because it’s such a common song. I’ve become Christmas carol patient zero.